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    RFPB Reports


Next RFPB Quarterly Meeting: TBD

1 Nov 2024

The RFPB FY23 recommendation that the SecDef issue a contemporary and comprehensive Total Force Policy to optimize the integration of active and reserve components in support of the National Defense Strategy came to fruition earlier this month when Secretary Austin issued his Total Force Optimization for Strategic Competition memorandum. 

Link: OSD Press release here

11 DEC 2023

The Secretary of Defense appointed Honorable Col. Lisa Disbrow (Ret.) as Chair of the Reserve Forces Policy Board (RFPB) today.  Disbrow succeeds MajGen Arnold L. Punaro, who retired from the Marine Corps Reserve and held the chair since 2011.

Press release here



Reserve Forces Policy Board Overview

The Reserve Forces Policy Board is, by law, a federal advisory committee within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. As mandated by Congress, it serves as an independent adviser to provide advice and recommendations directly to the Secretary of Defense on strategies, policies, and practices designed to improve and enhance the capabilities, efficiency, and effectiveness of the reserve components.

The Board may act on matters referred to it by the chair and on any matter raised by a member of the Board or the Secretary of Defense.

The 20-member Board has a civilian chairman and includes a non-voting Military Executive and Senior Enlisted representative, a member or former member of each of the seven reserve components of the armed forces, and ten U.S. citizens with significant knowledge and experience in national security and reserve component matters. Board members represent a wide range of industry, business, professional, and civic experience, in addition to their military expertise, which combined provide the Secretary of Defense with a unique and independent body of senior officials to review and comment on Reserve component programs and policies.