Board Biographies

Ms. Lisa Disbrow, Chairman


Ms. Lisa Disbrow was appointed as Chairman of the Reserve Forces Policy Board on December 11, 2023 by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Lisa Disbrow serves on the Board of Directors of Mercury Systems, BlackBerry, CACI, Noble Reach Foundation (Board Chair), Spark Cognition, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the National Defense Industrial Association (Vice Chair).  She is also a Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab and serves on the President’s Export Council - one of DoD’s two Appointed Commissioners on the Congressional PPBE Commission. She also previously served on the Board of Perspecta, Inc; chaired the LMI Board; Hensoldt, Inc Board; and Mitre Air Force Advisory Board.

Ms. Sid Ashworth

Ms. Sid Ashworth

Sid Ashworth recently retired as corporate vice president of government relations for Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leader in global security. In that role, she was responsible for providing effective guidance, coordination and support for all company relationships with the U.S. government. She provided strategic guidance and insights to inform business decisions, including long term planning and investment strategies. 


Maj Gen Vanessa J. Dornhoefer, USAFR

Major General Vanessa J. Dornhoefer assumed duties as the Military Executive and Non-Voting Board Member, Reserve Forces Policy Board, in July 2024.




Brig Gen (Ret) Carlos E. Martinez, USAFR - Air Force Reserve

Brig Gen Carlos E. “Charlie” Martinez was born in Havana, Cuba and grew up in Miami, Florida. He graduated from the University of Miami in 1971 with a B.S. in Systems Analysis. Upon graduation, he entered the Air Force to become a pilot. Following officer and flight training in Texas, he was assigned to Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, where he flew VIP missions. In 1976, he was selected to attend graduate school and earned an M.S. in Operations Research from The George Washington University in 1978. He subsequently served tours as a management engineer and as a missile test engineer.

Dr. Stacie Pettyjohn

Dr. Stacie Pettyjohn is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Defense Program at the Center for a New American Security. Her areas of expertise include defense strategy, posture, force planning, the defense budget, and wargaming.  She has designed and led strategic and operational games that have  assessed new operational concepts, tested the impacts of new technology, examined nuclear escalation and warfighting, and explored unclear phenomena, such as gray zone tactics and information warfare. Her expansive background is inclusive of authoring or co-authoring reports on subjects covering military readiness & responsiveness, the role of airpower in defeating the Islamic State, competition with Russia, possible war fighting scenarios with North Korea, and command and control of multi-national NATO amphibious forces.

Ms. Kathryn Roth-Douquet

Kathryn Roth-Douquet

Kathy Roth-Douquet is founder and CEO of Blue Star Families, one of the nation’s largest nonprofits supporting military families. She is an author, commentator, strategist, and attorney. Ms. Roth-Douquet is a national spokesperson for military-connected families and a commentator on patriotism, civil-military affairs, the value of service, and the experience of military families. She appears on the major media outlets and publishes in magazines and newspapers across the country.



SGM Stuart T. Coupe, USAR  - Senior Enlisted Advisor

Sergeant Major Stuart Coupe is a native of Jerome, ID enlisting into the U.S. Army in 1985. He completed Basic Training at Fort Knox, KY and Advanced Individual Training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD. In May 2023, he assumed responsibilities as the Senior Enlisted Advisor, Reserve Forces Policy Board, Washington, DC.


CSM (Ret) John F. Sampa, ARNG

CSM (Ret) John F. Sampa, ARNG

Command Sergeant Major (CSM) John F. Sampa was appointed as the 12th Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard on 15 February 2018.  Also, since June 2022, he has been a Board Member of the Reserve Forces Policy Board, which serves as an independent advisor to Secretary of Defense on Reserve and National Guard matters.  He joined the United States Army in 1987 and served in the Army National Guard and the United States Army for nearly 35 years. He completed basic training as a Tank Armored Crewman at Fort Knox Army Post in Fort Knox, Kentucky. 


Dr. Paul N. Stockton

Dr. Paul S. Stockton

Dr. Paul N. Stockton is the President of Paul N Stockton LLC, a strategic advisory firm in Santa Fe, NM. From 2009-2013, Dr. Stockton served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs, where he helped lead the Department's response to Hurricane Sandy. He was responsible for Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection, Western Hemisphere security policy, domestic crisis management, continuity of operations planning, and a range of other responsibilities. While Assistant Secretary, Dr. Stockton also served as Executive Director of the Council of Governors. 


Mr. Atul Vashistha

Mr. Atul Vashistha

Atul Vashistha is a serial entrepreneur with deep expertise around the intersection of technology, global supply chain, and risk management. Mr. Vashistha is the Chairman and CEO at Supply Wisdom, the Chairman of Neo Group, the founder of GBS Board, and serves as a board member of Shared Assessments. He was the Vice Chair of the Defense Business Board, leading a major assessment of OSD’s Chief Management Office. Mr. Vashistha brings significant thought leadership in innovation and managing risk for global enterprises. His national security and reserve component expertise includes his international accomplishments and service with the Chief of the National Guard Bureau’s Innovation Council.


CW5 (Ret) Phyllis J. Wilson, USAR

CW5 (Ret) Phyllis J. Wilson, USAR

Chief Warrant Five (CW5) Phyllis J. Wilson began her Army career as a Military Intelligence (MI) German linguist Voice Intercept Operator. During more than 37 years of active and reserve service, she has served at all echelons from tactical to strategic, with duty in Germany, Iraq and the United States. In August 1990, she was mobilized to support OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/ OPERATION DESERT STORM and served as the Signals Intelligence collection manager for XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, NC.