Colonel Reidar F. Larsen

Colonel Reidar F. Larsen is the Senior Marine Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Reserve Forces Policy Board in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, D.C.

Prior to this assignment, Colonel Larsen was assigned as Head of Mobilization Plans and Policy, Manpower Policy Division, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Headquarters Marine Corps, Quantico Virginia. Previous positions include, Senior Joint Reserve Program Manager for United States Central Command and Special Operations Command - Central, Senior Marine Foreign Military Sales - Security Assistance Officer Multi-National Staff Training Command Iraq, Deputy Branch Head Career Management Team, Deputy Branch Head Reserve Affairs Coordination, Reserve Personnel Marine Corps Programing Officer, AC/S G4 Marine Corps Mobilization Command, U.S. Marine Corps; S-4 4th Assault Amphibious Battalion, S3A 4th FFSG, S4A CSSD 43, Logistics Officer Marine Corps Logistics Base, Supply Officer 9th Marine Regiment, and Supply Officer MAG-36.

Colonel Larsen earned a Bachelors Degree from the University of North Dakota, and an Masters Degree from the Naval War College. A Logistician, he initially graduated from the Ground Supply Officers and Logistics Officers Schools, also the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management - Foreign Military Sales Course, National Defense University’s Joint Combined Warfare School, Air War College (Seminar), Canadian Forces Joint Staff College (Seminar), USMC Command and Staff (Seminar),USMC Amphibious Warfare School (Seminar), and the USMC Advanced Logistics Officers Course. He is designated a Joint Specialty Officer Level III.

Col Larsen has been awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal w/ Gold Star, Meritorious Service Medal w/ 2 Gold Stars, Navy and Marine Commendation Medal w/ 2 Gold Stars, Iraq Campaign Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal (Hurricane Katrina), and Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. Col Larsen is married to the former Ms. Janet Ramsey of Albany Georgia, and they have two children.